Bone regeneration is a constant, natural process in the human body. Whenever you fracture, or even break a bone, the human body immediately starts to re-form that bone structure. The bone supporting your teeth is no exception. Traditionally, there were few options for fixing loose teeth. Dentists were required to inform patients that sometimes “hopeless” teeth must be removed via surgery. This painful procedure used harsh, invasive methods of removal that worked against your body’s natural healing process. Thanks to technological advancements, now there is a better option.
The LANAP protocol is non-invasive. This means that no tissue or teeth shaving will be done during the process . Because of the specific laser used, LANAP kills the bacteria and disease under and surrounding the gums, while also stimulating the cells in those areas to begin their natural healing process. With the vast reduction of harmful bacteria and the stimulation of cells, the gums and bone structure can often heal to the point where bone regeneration can occur where it was once prevented.
What Causes Bone Loss?
One of the major causes of bone loss in the oral cavity of the general population is periodontal disease. Different types of disease exist, including aggressive periodontal disease and chronic periodontal disease. The chronic version of this particular disease tends to cause progressive degeneration of supportive tissues that help to keep teeth in position. Without appropriate treatment protocols initiated during the earlier stages of a condition such as chronic periodontal disease, bone loss is sure to happen. As bone loss occurs, a number of additional complications can start to develop, and this would ultimately put the patient at a much more significant risk of tooth loss. When tooth loss occurs in a patient with significant bone loss, there is also a risk that the patient may not be a good candidate later on for implants.
Can Bone Loss Be Prevented?
Prevention of periodontal disease and the bone loss that may occur if the condition progresses too far can be effectively prevented, primarily through practicing good oral hygiene. It is also important to consider potential risk factors that contribute to the disease in the first place – such as smoking and diabetes. A patient who smokes may want to give up smoking in order to reduce their risk. Those with diabetes should implement appropriate lifestyle changes and use the right medication to control their disease. Regular visits to a dentist can also be a useful preventative method. When a patient visits a dentist regularly, issues such as the initial development of periodontal disease can be detected early on. When treated at an early stage, the outcome is usually more successful, and the progression of the disease could be prevented – this also means a reduction in the risk of bone loss.
Surgical Treatment For Bone Loss
A patient who has periodontal disease that has progressed to the point of bone loss will often be advised to undergo a surgical procedure known as bone grafting. During this procedure, a graft is placed in the area where the bone that surrounds the patient tooth has been destroyed. In some cases, existing bone fragments may accompany the graft, but in most cases, synthetic bone material is used in the patient’s dental cavities that have been affected by the periodontal disease. This may assist in preventing further bone loss and can also assist in promoting new bone growth. Tissue-stimulating proteins and a process known as guided tissue regeneration are two other common options that a patient may opt for if they have bone loss.
What is LANAP?
Oral health plays an important role in the well-being of the entire human body. In addition to oral health affecting the rest of the body, if a patient fails to maintain their oral hygiene properly, they may be at risk of issues like an unaligned bite, tooth loss, infections, and more. These problems do not only have physiological consequences that should be taken into account, but can affect a patient mentally as well. The result would be self-esteem issues, social anxiety, and the patient would feel self-conscious. There are various strategies that are used to assist in bone regeneration today in dentistry. In some cases, the dentist may implant artificial materials, but for many patients, this may not be the preferred option. LANAP laser therapy could pose as an effective alternative option that patients may want to consider.
LANAP stands for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure. This specialized treatment uses laser light energy to remove diseased gum tissue and harmful bacteria to heal the infection. LANAP is the only FDA-approved treatment of its kind.
Can LANAP Assist In Stimulating Bone Regeneration?
Lasers are becoming increasingly popular in dental settings and have become an integrative part of many procedures that are conducted on a daily basis by dentists. LANAP is a specific type of laser therapy that is often utilized in cases where a patient has been diagnosed with a condition like periodontal disease. The laser is often utilized to assist in the removal of tartar build-up on the patient’s teeth, as well as beneath their gums.
Additionally, the laser has also proven effective in removing bacteria that may have accumulated in these areas along with the tartar. LANAP laser treatments may also be useful in promoting bone regeneration in patients. Even though this is a nonsurgical procedure that does is also considered minimally invasive, the use of a LANAP laser can help to remove diseased tissue that is located between the gums and the teeth. This is often the case in patients who have developed open pockets due to bacteria being present in their oral cavities. When the diseased tissue is removed, along with the accompanying harmful bacteria, it allows the body to start healing in a natural way – without the need for grafting or the implantation of synthetic bone materials.
Once the LANAP laser therapy procedure has been conducted, the patient will be able to experience regrowth of bone tissue through a natural process. There are many advantages that LANAP laser procedures can offer a patient, including the fact that there is no need for any type of incisions to be made using a scalpel and no need for sewing any gum tissue following the implementation of the particular procedure. There is also minimal bleeding, especially when compared to some of the other procedures that a patient may undergo when they have bone loss due to periodontal disease and infections.
What are the advantages of laser therapy?
LANAP therapy requires no incisions or stitches. For you, that means less bleeding, reduced swelling, and a faster recovery.
Because laser periodontal therapy removes only diseased tissue, you don’t lose healthy gum tissue that supports your teeth. You experience minimal gum shrinkage after surgery, so your teeth’s roots are less exposed. This means your smile is less affected, and neither is the sensitivity of your teeth.
The procedure takes about two hours and is usually wrapped up in just two visits and two follow-ups. Standard gum disease treatments require much more time, as well as incisions and sutures. They result in a lot of bleeding and increased soreness after the procedure. Recovery from LANAP is quick with minimal discomfort.
Gum disease spreads from your gum to the supporting tissue and bones surrounding your teeth. This causes pockets to form. As the pockets grow deeper, bacteria thrive in them, making your infection worse.
During LANAP therapy, doctor uses laser light to gently remove harmful bacteria, allowing the gum pockets to heal naturally and your teeth stabilize. The LANAP probe finds these pockets, and the laser kills only the bacteria and diseased tissue. The procedure also includes using an ultrasonic scaler that uses sound waves to break up and loosen tartar around your teeth.
The laser does another pass to destroy any remaining diseased tissue. You then wear a clear mouth guard that presses your gums against the root surface, so bacteria can’t easily get in.
Regular tobacco use irritates healing gum tissues, which increases recovery time and increases your chances of infection. It’s a good idea to talk to your physician about a tobacco cessation program. Try to select a program that doesn’t call for using lozenges or nicotine gum as these are also known gum irritants.
It’s natural for a little blood to weep from the incisions for a few days after surgery. When this happens, you can lightly pack the area with sterile gauze. When the bleeding stops, you can rinse your mouth gently with lukewarm salt water to remove blood clots and soothe the gums.
Following LANAP While your gums are healing you will need to stick to a diet of soft foods like applesauce, mashed potatoes and yogurt. It’s also important to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of lukewarm liquids without using a straw, as the suction can harm the incisions or pull blood clots loose. You’ll be able to return to your regular diet much faster than if you had undergone conventional gum surgery. You need just 24 hours to recover, meaning little or no lost work time.
How effective is LANAP laser dentistry?
The LANAP procedure provides long-lasting results. Up to 98% of treated patients remain stable after five years. Only 5% of those treated with conventional gum surgery report such results.
Is laser periodontitis treatment painful?
Laser periodontitis treatment is the most comfortable treatment available, which is why more patients choose it over traditional periodontal surgery. With laser, there is no cutting or stitching required for a procedure that is faster with less bleeding and swelling, and little to no gum recession.
Can LANAP really grow new bone in my jaw?
Yes! Laser periodontitis treatment is especially designed for patients with gum disease and bone loss because it is scientifically proven to generate new bone development around existing teeth. This increases your chance of keeping your natural teeth.
Is LANAP better than traditional periodontal surgery?
Traditional periodontitis treatment is an effective but often painful procedure that requires cutting the gum line open in order to reach and remove the bacteria. LANAP is FDA cleared to do the job with more precision, no cutting, and no stiches. It also promotes bone growth.
Is LANAP appropriate for me?
If you have moderate to severe gum disease, laser therapy is often the best treatment approach but only a consultation with dentist can determine that for sure.